The School Fees are to be paid according to the scheduled date before 15th of each month and in February, fees are to be paid for February and March in OBC, Sarsawa. Timing Mon-Fri 10.00 am to 1.30 pm. In case 15th falls on Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday, Fees can be deposited on the next day. Fee will be accepted only in cash.
Rs 20/- will be charged as late fee for every defaulting installment.
All school dues must be cleared before exam.
Fees may also be paid in advance, however fees for succeeding months will not be accepted unless fee for all preceding month has been paid.
Fees will not be accepted unless the slip is duly filled in (on all three Portions) with regard to Name, Adm. Number, Class & section.
Counterfoils must be retained as they serve as official receipt.