St . Mary’s Academy, Sarsawa belongs to Gyan Deep Education Society, Meerut, registered under the Registration Act of XXI 1860 and articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India. It is under the patronage of the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Meerut, who is also its President.
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As you walk through the gates of our school, remember that you are not just learners ,but leaders of tomorrow. Believe in yourself work hard, and never give up your dreams. I thrilled to have you as part of our school community. Our school is committed to providing a nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence, creativity and character development. Remember that success is not just about achieving good grades but about becoming a better version of one self. I am proud of each and every one of you and l look forward to seeing the amazing things you will achieve.
We all know that the real goal of education is not to create people who understand only the language of technology; it should be also to impart a culture of the heart based on spiritual values. Tomorrow’s world will be shaped by today’s children.n their tender minds it is easy to cultivate universal human values. The teaching of universal spiritual principles and human values should be a standard part of general education.
Guiding with purpose, leading with grace, A true leader shines in every space.It is with immense pride and gratitude that I stand before you as the Head Boy of St. Mary’s Academy Sarsawa. As we embark on a new academic year filled with endless possibilities, I am thrilled to have the privilege of serving as a representative of our student body.
It is indeed an honour and privilege for me to have been elected as the Head Girl for the year 2023-2024. It is rightly said that St. Mary’s Academy is not just a school – it is a legacy and I am a living testament of this great legacy.
To impart a sound, moral and intellectual training to students making them realize their true dignity as the children of God.To uphold human values of our composite culture.