St.Mary's Academy, Ambala Road, Sarsawa-247232, Saharanpur(U.P.)
+91 8077747468


YThe school operates as a community which seeks to safeguard the rights of the individual. Each member of the community should have the chance to grow in knowledge and in selfconfidence, encouraged by pupils and staff alike. However, rights also entail responsibilities. This set of rules is based on the fundamental tenet that individuals need to recognize their own responsibilities to others and to conduct themselves with self-discipline.

The safety of pupils and staff is vital. Each member of the School is required to observe safety rules. Regulations governing fire precautions, laboratory procedures and road safety especially must be strictly obeyed.
Smoking is not permitted and will be actively discouraged.
The consumption of alcohol is not permitted.
The supplying of or use of drugs, solvents or banned substances is strictly forbidden.
The possession of knives, guns, catapults or other offensive weapons is forbidden.
The possession and bursting of any type of firework is forbidden.
No student below the age of 18 years is permitted to drive any vehicle which needs a license, their date of birth should tally with the school records.

These rules will be applied at all times when a pupil is in school or is under the school’s responsibility. Hence, excursions, away matches, group trips, etc. do not signify that school rules cease to apply. When pupils are with parents of friends outside school time, parents must clearly set their own limits as they see fit. It is hoped, however, that pupils will seek to conduct themselves with dignity at all times.